Welcome to the story of Bud Chambers pursuing his dream
to play in a rock ‘n’ roll band back in the crazy year of 1977.

The first few comics are going to be an homage to how my comics looked back in 2008 when I first started up “1977 the Comic.” After that, I’ll return to a full comic page format and the real story shall begin.

So, why the reboot and a new domain name? To be honest, back in 2008 I lacked the experience necessary to manage a long-term story arc comic that “1977” became. It started off as (a really bad) joke-of-the-day comic. It took me a year to realize that I’m at my best when I tell a story. But then I never really outlined the stories and just made them up as I went along. I didn’t do the characters or the comic proper justice.

This new website will be my way of doing right by the characters and the stories from 1977. You will see much more of the gang working as a band whether it be rehearsing, playing at tiny bars, or dealing with a cheap, trashy manager as the real story is their attempts to accomplish their goal to land a record deal.

With that in mind, Boston’s “Don’t Look Back” is the perfect theme song for the new beginning of the story of 1977… forever.